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Rabu, 28 Desember 2011


Title: Secret
Genre: Romance
Orgin: China
Release date: July 27, 2007
Cast: Jay Chou, Kwai Lun-Mei, Anthony Wong Chau-sang, Alice Tzeng
Ye Xianglun adalah pemain piano dan mahasiswa dalam musik. Dia transfer ke sekolah baru, sekolah untuk musisi dan artis yang berbeda. Pada hari pertama siswa lain, Qing Yi menunjukkan kepadanya sekitar. Tapi kemudian ia memutuskan untuk memeriksa sekolah keluar sendiri. Dia berjalan ke sebuah bangunan tua di mana dia bisa mendengar seseorang bermain piano, melodi ia hasnt dengar sebelumnya. Dia mengikuti suara dan ketika ia memasuki ruangan dengan sebuah piano tua dia melihat seorang gadis. Dia bertanya tentang lagu yang sedang bermain tetapi dia memberitahu dia yang rahasia. Ye Xianglun menjadi sangat tertarik pada gadis itu karena dia tidak seperti gadis-gadis lain di sekolah. Mereka mulai saling menyukai dan satu hari ia mengatakan kepadanya untuk bertemu dengannya setelah sekolah di ruang dengan piano tua. Jadi sementara dia menunggu dia datang dia bermain piano dengan mata tertutup.  
Ketika ia mendengar pintu terbuka dan seseorang datang dalam dia poin dengan dan di bibirnya, seperti ia ingin ciuman dari dia. Dia mencium tapi kemudian dia menyadari hal itu Qing Yi ketika ia mendengar gadis jangka lainnya pergi, ia melihat mereka berciuman. Ye Xianglun cepat berjalan setelah, tapi tidak dapat menemukannya. Jadi waktu lewat dan dia tidak bisa mendapatkan kontak dengan gadis itu. Hingga hari kelulusan mereka. Dia mengatakan sebelumnya bahwa dia akan memainkan lagu untuknya pada hari kelulusan mereka dan begitu dia datang. Begitu melihatnya ia berlari mengejarnya. Dia mengatakan padanya untuk menemuinya di kelas mereka. Ketika ia sampai di sana dia tidak ada. Dan dia meminta beberapa teman-temannya jika mereka pernah melihatnya. Dan mereka pergi seperti "siapa?" kemudian ia mengatakan "ingat gadis saya sedang berdansa dengan di pesta ur?" dan mereka berkata "Dude u itu seperti menari dengan diri sendiri". Lalu ia mulai mengingat semuanya, tetapi dia tidak dapat mengerti. Apakah itu semua imajinasinya? Atau apakah gadis itu benar-benar ada? Apa lagu yang sedang bermain? Rahasianya? 

Saya tidak ingat yang menyarankan film ini untuk saya, tapi daaamn. Seperti yang saya sedang menonton itu saya pikir itu seperti benar-benar bagus dan semua. Terutama ketika mereka memainkan piano itu benar-benar keren, dan OPT mereka seperti duel piano AWESOME!! Benar-benar rahang seperti ur yang hanya tetes. It goes seperti benar-benar cepat. Dan tampaknya bahwa Jay Chou direktur?? dan musik juga oleh dia. Keren. Dan ada bahkan mungkin 2 Rahasia. Tapi di mana saya? oh,, saya sedang berpikir bagus dan semua dan kemudian, titik di mana ia menemukan bahwa baik .. bagaimana saya menjelaskan. Dia doesnt benar-benar ada. Kemudian saya menjadi benar-benar bingung. Seperti bagaimana dan apa dan semua .. Tapi itu keren. Dan omg ayahnya .. Dia begitu dingin. Dia seperti guru di sekolah dan dia seperti benar-benar ketat. Tetapi orang-orang nggak tahu anaknya tersebut. Tapi di rumah (Ye Xianglun dan ayahnya hidup sendiri) dia sangat menyenangkan! seperti salah satu ayah yang begitu energik dan ketika Ye Xianglun menanyakan pertanyaan dia pergi seperti "sakit memberitahu Anda jika Anda menari dengan saya" dan kemudian mereka mulai menari...

link terkainya adalah http://www.moviexclusive.com/soundtrack/secret.htm
Ye Xianglun is a piano player and a student in music. He transfers to a new school, a school for musicians and different artist. On the first day another student, Qing Yi shows him around. But later on he decides to check the school out himself. He walks into an old building where he can hear someone play the piano, a melody he hasnt heard before. He follows the sound and when he enters a room with an old piano he sees a girl. He asks her about the song she was playing but she tells him its a secret. Ye Xianglun becomes very interested in the girl because she isnt like the other girls at school. They start liking each other and one day he tells her to meet him after school in the room with the old piano. So while he waits for her to come he is playing the piano with his eyes closed. When he hears the door open and someone come in he points with his and on his lips, like he wants a kiss from her. She kisses him but then he realizes it was Qing Yi as he hears the other girl run away, she saw them kiss. Ye Xianglun quickly runs after her but isnt able to find her. So time pass by and he cant get in contact with the girl. Until the day of their graduation. He told her before that he would play a song for her on the day of their graduation and so she came. As soon as he saw her he ran after her. He tells her to meet him in their classroom. When he gets there she isnt there. And he asks some of his friends if they've seen her. And they go like "who?" then he says "remember the girl i was dancing with at ur party?" and they say "Dude u were like dancing with yourself" . Then he starts remembering everything, but he cannot understand . Was it all his imagination? Or does the girl really exist? What was the song she was playing? The secret?

I dont remember who suggested this movie to me, but daaamn. As i was watching it i thought it was like really nice and all. Especially when they played the piano it was really cool, and OMO they had like piano duels A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! Really its like ur jaw just drops. It goes like really fast. And it seems that Jay Chou was the director?? and the music was also by him. Cool. And there might even be a Secret 2. But where were i? oh,, i was thinking its nice and all and then , the point where he finds out that well.. how do i explain. She doesnt really exist. Then i got really confused. Like how and what and all.. But it was cool. And omg his father.. He is so cool. He's like a teacher at the school and he is like really strict. But people dont know its his son. But at home (Ye Xianglun and his father live alone) he is so much fun! like one of those father that are so energetic and when Ye Xianglun asked him a question he goes like "ill tell you if you dance with me" and then they start dancing FUN!

link download lagu jay chou nya .....http://www.airmp3.me/search/jay_chou/mp3/a 
daftar lagu nya
Morning Exercise
At the Lake
Piano Duel
Piano Duet
Ride With Me
Father and Son
Lover’s Tears
First Kiss
Don’t Cry for Me, Girl
Summer Doll
A Lang and A Bao
Dancing with Father
Lu Xiao Yu
The Swan
Flash Back
Secret (slow version)
Xiao Yu’s Confession I
Xiao Yu’s Confession II
Secret (fast version)
The Piano Room
Secret (song)

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